N3IWUE Design Document
This document doesn't include all design details about N3IWUE.
- GitHub Repo https://github.com/free5gc/n3iwue
- Installation Guide
- TS23.502 Procedures for Untrusted non-3GPP access
- Netlink Go Library
GRE Tunnels
Author: Andy Chen (CTFang)
Date: 2024/06/12
GRE Tunnel & Spec
Here is part of TS24.502 Access 5GCN via non-3GPP access networks spec:
8.3.2 Generic routing encapsulation (GRE)
If a user data packet message is transmitted over non-3GPP access between the UE and the N3IWF for untrusted non3GPP access, the user data packet message shall be encapsulated as a GRE user data packet.
In the GRE encapsulated user data packet:
b) the QFI field of the key field of the GRE header field is set to the QFI associated with the user data packet;
The GRE key field must use the QFI value as its key.
N3IWUE uses the Netlink Go library to create GRE Tunnel. Here is a segment of code for the new GRE Interface.
greKeyField = (uint32(qfi) & 0x3F) << 24
newGreIfaceName := greIfaceName + "-" + strconv.Itoa(int(qfi))
// New GRE tunnel interface
newGRETunnel := &netlink.Gretun{
LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
Name: newGreIfaceName,
MTU: 1438, // remain for endpoint IP header(most 40 bytes if IPv6) and ESP header (22 bytes)
Link: uint32(parent.Attrs().Index), // PHYS_DEV in iproute2; IFLA_GRE_LINK in linux kernel
Local: ueTunnelAddr,
Remote: n3iwfTunnelAddr,
IKey: greKeyField,
OKey: greKeyField,
And the default rule always has QFI = 1.
During the N3IWUE PDU session Establishment procedure, when UE receives PDUSessionEstablishmentAccept, N3IWUE will try to do the following things: (refer to n3iwue/internal/nwucp/handler/handler.go > HandleDLNASTransport()
- Get PDU Address from NAS
- Setup GRE Tunnels
- N3IWUE create per tunnel for each QFI
- Add Route for GRE Tunnels
- N3IWUE adds routes for each tunnel
- Remote IPv4 address for each QFI retrieve from NAS message
Example Scenario
- Two QoS rules
- QFI = 2, address =
- QFI = 3, address =
So, the N3IWUE would create 3 GRE tunnels and 3 routes.
After the ping test, use ifconfig
to see the status for each GRE interfaces:
- ens18 is the only one interface on that computer
- gretun-id-2-1 for QFI = 1, receive 5 ping reply from and send 5 ping request with some others traffics.
- gretun-id-2-2 for QFI = 2, send 5 ping request to and receive 5 ping reply.
- gretun-id-2-3 for QFI = 3, send 5 ping request to and receive 5 ping reply.
Related Pull Request
fix: Add multiple GRE tunnel when have multiple QFI settings #7